Saskatoon TechWorks is now the proud licensee of VCarve Pro Makerspace Edition. What does this mean to you? As a TechWorks member, you can download the trial version of VCarve Pro and enter our Makerspace ID. (Ask us for it.) After entering our Makerspace ID, you can prepare your CNC job. That version will not save your toolpaths but you can do everything else to get your files ready for the CNC router. Save your project and bring your .crv file to the space, load it up in our “Master” copy, export the gcode, and you’re ready to make your masterpiece on our CNC router!
For more information, please visit https://www.vectric.com/makerspace.html.
(Note: Our license says that the toolpath files are only for use on the CNC equipment at our space. I’m not sure how they or we would enforce that, but you should know that that is the rules.)